How Can I Reduce Static Shock in My Home?

We’ve all had it happen—you get up from the couch during a commercial break to get a snack, but when you go to turn on the light in the kitchen, you get zapped.
It’s annoying and painful, but what can you do about it—it’s just part of winter, right? Wrong! You can actually reduce static shock in your home with the help of a humidifier. But before we get into all of that, that’s take a look at what causes static shock.
Get more information about installing a whole-house humidifier in New Jersey by calling the experts at Arctic Air Conditioning at 732-518-8215 or filling out the form to the left.
What Causes Static Shock in Your Home?
Static electricity happens when two materials come into contact that both have an uneven amount of electrical charges. Basically, every material—clothes, couches, rugs, winter coats, etc.—has an electrical charge and usually there is a balance of positive and negative charges (protons and electrons).
Sometimes a certain item will build up a positive or negative charge due to loss of protons and electrons. When that item touches a conductor (light switch, doorknobs, etc.), the charge neutralizes to even out the balance of charge and a shock comes with it!
Your home is filled with these materials (referred to as inductors) that can build up a charge just waiting to release the excess of protons or electrons onto another surface.
Why Is Static Shock More Common in Winter?
Dry air is mostly to blame for these shocks because it allows the buildup of more static electricity. When it’s cold out, the air outside is very dry and the air inside your home becomes drier as you use a central heating system.
When your furnace warms the air inside your home, it reduces the humidity and enhances static shock (and even causes dry skin).
How Can You Stop Static Shock?
If you don’t want to be on edge waiting for a spark each time you turn on a light or are annoyed with static-y hair as you’re getting ready on a cold winter morning, there is something you can do about it.
Aside from completely abandoning your heating system (not your best option!), you can improve the humidity levels in your house with a whole-house humidifier.
Humidifiers make your room or house less dry, decreasing the possibility for shocks at home. According to the EPA, you want to aim for 30 percent relative humidity in your home (though 40 to 50 percent would be ideal) in order to combat static shock throughout winter.
Smaller, cheaper humidifiers can do the trick for one room or area if you need results fast, but whole-house humidifiers are able to take away the annoyance of regular shocks in your home and more!
Who to Call for Your Whole-House Humidifier Installation in NJ
At Arctic Air Conditioning, we’ve been helping the residents of New Jersey improve their indoor air quality and comfort since 1977, and we can help you select and install a whole-house humidifier.
There are many benefits to a whole-house humidifier installation in your New Jersey Home, including:
- Making you feel more comfortable – when the humidity levels in your home are at a more comfortable level, you’ll feel warmer which means you can lower the temperature on your thermostat and still reap the same benefits
- Improving energy efficiency – when the humidity level is around 35 percent, your home heating system can operate as much as 15 – 20 percent more efficiently
- Preventing dry skin
- Decreasing the likelihood of having chapped lips or bloody noses
- Helping you breathe easier
- And more!
The benefits of installing a whole-house humidifier obviously don’t stop at being able to prevent static shock! Call the experts at Arctic Air Conditioning to schedule a free estimate in the New Jersey area, including Monmouth, Middlesex, Mercer, and Ocean County.
Contact us online or by phone at 732-518-8215 to schedule an appointment.