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Why Is My Boiler Pump Not Working?

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Many New Jersey residents rely on boilers for home heating. The boiler heats water and a circulator pump sends this hot water to heating devices around your home, such as radiators or convection pipes.

When working properly, the circulation pump is powerful enough to send cooled water right back into the boiler to be reheated before it’s sent back out.

Unfortunately, as with all mechanical equipment, boiler pumps can sometimes fail. The action you should take depends on the type of problem your pump is experiencing.

Wait until the boiler reaches the required temperature for the pump to turn on. Then use this information to troubleshoot the problem and decide if you need boiler pump repair or replacement.

The Pump Isn’t Running

Under normal conditions, circulation pumps run very quietly, but if yours makes absolutely no sound, it might not be running at all. A valve or other internal part could be damaged. In this case, you should have a professional take a look and possibly replace your pump.

A pump that isn’t running may also have shut itself down if the water pressure is too high for the pump to handle. In this situation, you either need a professional to increase the cold water pressure to help equalize the system, or you need to replace the pump with a larger model.

Air Has Entered the Loop

This problem, called hydronic air lock, can cause water to not circulate properly. Most radiators have a manual air bleeder valve so you can purge the system of air.

You need a key to operate an air bleeder valve. If you have one, go around to each radiator and open each valve until water trickles from it.

If you find yourself needing to purge air from the system often, the automatic air bleeders may be damaged. Rely on a technician to perform a replacement.

The Pump Is Leaking Water

Over time, the circulation pump can develop leaks, which decrease water pressure and affect heating in parts of your home. Check the pump for rust, staining and pools of water beneath it.

If you see these signs, caulk around the joints and flanges as a short-term boiler pump repair. You may eventually need a technician to replace your pump.

If you require boiler pump repair or replacement services, contact Arctic Air Conditioning for reliable service today.

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