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How You Can Use Your Ceiling Fan to Increase AC Efficiency

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Many homeowners know that you can use your ceiling fan to boost AC efficiency and help you feel cooler, but how do you optimize its use and get the most from your fan/AC combo?

At Arctic Air Conditioning, our technicians are experts at maximizing your AC efficiency by doing everything from performing routine AC maintenance to utilizing your home’s resources.

If you want to learn more about how to improve AC efficiency in your New Jersey home this season, give Arctic Air Conditioning a call at 732-518-8215 or contact us online!

How to Maximize the Use of Your Ceiling Fan

Using your ceiling fan is one of the tips in our newest cooling tips infographic:

Air Conditioning Tips to Save Energy

There are a number of things you can do to maximize the performance of your ceiling fan specifically and experience higher AC efficiency. Some of them include:

Use your ceiling fan without air conditioning – You can use your ceiling fan as a stand-alone cooling method as long as weather permits.

If it’s simply hot as opposed to unbearably hot, have the fan running when you’re in a room. The cool breeze will make you feel more comfortable, and you’ll save money by not running your AC.

Make sure your fan is running counterclockwise – If you’re trying to use your ceiling fan to improve AC efficiency, make sure you set the fan to rotate counterclockwise.

This will blow the air downward instead of drawing it up, thereby providing a constant cool breeze in the room.

Set your thermostat to a higher temperature – Having a ceiling fan running in the room can make it feel between 4 and 7 degrees cooler just by the breeze it creates!

This means you can set your thermostat to a higher temperature and enjoy energy saving benefits while improving your AC efficiency.

Don’t run the fan when you’re not in the room – It seems like leaving the fan on continuously would help keep the room cooler; however, this isn’t exactly the case.

When you leave the fan running in an empty room, the fan motor is slowly heating up and that heat can be dispersed to the room and make it warmer instead of cooler. So, make sure to turn off the fan whenever you’re leaving the room for an extended period of time.

The Importance of AC Efficiency

When your air conditioner is operating at its optimal energy efficiency level, it is incredibly beneficial to you and your home. Some of the benefits of increased energy efficiency include:

  • Decreased monthly energy bills
  • Increased longevity of your air conditioner
  • A more comfortable home with consistent temperature

Additionally, when your AC doesn’t have to work as hard to do its job, you’re actually decreasing the likelihood of needing air conditioning repairs down the road!

Learn More About Improving Your AC Efficiency

If you live in the New Jersey area and you’d like to learn more about the benefits of using a ceiling fan to improve your AC efficiency, contact Arctic Air Conditioning today by calling 732-518-8215.

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