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REME HALO Air Filters for Your Dental Office

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The REME HALO™ air filter unit outputs ionized hydroperoxides, which kill microbes in the air and on surfaces. This indoor air quality solution works to bring relief to those suffering from allergies and other respiratory issues.

The REME HALO air filter is optimal for dentists’ offices, as it works to clean the air and surfaces of airborne germs, bacteria, and viruses.

To learn more about the REME HALO air filter or our other indoor air quality solutions at Arctic Air Conditioning, contact our HVAC team online or call our team at 732-518-8215.

Protect Your Office Indoor Air With REME HALO

The REME HALO air filtration units are easily mounted into air conditioning and heating systems, which is where most sick-building problems start.

This air filtration unit is proactive and uses oxygen to seek out and destroy pollutants at the source. This indoor air quality solution improves your existing filtration by forcing allergens to stick together, which increases the system’s filtration rate and doesn’t sacrifice airflow.

This air filtration system is a healthy indoor air quality option for dentists’ offices. The REME HALO sends out ionized hydroperoxides into your office space, where you work and breathe; the air filtration system attacks microbes like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores.

Wondering if the REME HALO air filtration system will be a good fit for your dental office? Contact Arctic Air Conditioning today for our indoor air quality solutions!

Choose Arctic Air for Your Indoor Air Quality Solutions

The REME HALO air filtration system is user-friendly, powerful, and healthy – which makes it a great indoor air quality solution for your Old Bridge, NJ dental office. This unit kills up to 99% of viruses, bacteria, and mold.

Keep your office air free from germs, bacteria, and viruses with the REME HALO unit. To install the REME HALO air filtration unit in your New Jersey dental office, contact our team at Arctic Air Conditioning by calling 732-518-8215.

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