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Ductless vs. Central HVAC

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When it comes to selecting the right heating and cooling system for your home, one size certainly doesn’t fit all. For some homes, a central HVAC system is best.

In other cases, a ductless mini split may be the superior option in another home. If you’re not sure which one is best for your situation, compare central HVAC vs. mini split systems to help you decide.

Benefits of Central Heating & Cooling

Central HVAC systems:

  • Provide whole-house heating and cooling: Assuming every room in your home has ductwork, central HVAC is the best way to heat and cool the whole house. This leads to even temperatures throughout each room for superior comfort.
  • Are widely available: Every qualified HVAC contractor sells central air conditioners, furnaces and heat pumps. You’ll have no trouble finding a unit that fits your needs.
  • Are relatively affordable: For the amount of heating and cooling they produce, central HVAC systems are more affordable than mini splits, assuming you don’t also need to install ductwork. If you outfitted your entire home with mini splits, the purchase and installation would cost more than central HVAC equipment.

Benefits of Mini Splits

Ductless mini-split systems:

  • Are perfect for homes without ductwork: If your home is heated with radiators or lacks ductwork for another reason, mini splits are a superior way to add air conditioning compared to window units. Plus, they can produce supplemental heat in the winter, perfect for add-ons where extending the ductwork isn’t feasible.
  • Offer zoning capabilities: While it’s possible to separate your home into heating and cooling zones with a central HVAC system, it’s utterly effortless with mini splits. A single outdoor compressor can connect to up to four indoor, wall-mounted air handlers so you can control the temperature independently in different areas of your home.
  • Have easy installation: Unlike window air conditioners that you pack up every winter, mini splits only need to be installed once. They mount to the wall where they don’t block the window and become a permanent installation. With no ductwork to worry about, installation is easy in homes that lack this feature.

HVAC Installation & Repair in Central Jersey

No matter where you stand in the central HVAC vs. mini split debate, Arctic Air Conditioning has you covered. We install both central heating and cooling systems and ductless mini splits.

Want to learn more about which type of HVAC system is best for your Monmouth, Middlesex, Mercer, or Ocean County, New Jersey home? Ready to schedule services with an experienced contractor? Whatever the case, contact us today!

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