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Why Does My Furnace Have That Odor?

Whether your heating system is fueled by oil, natural gas, or electricity, furnace odor problems can develop. Scheduling a prompt repair almost always saves you money compared with waiting.

If you experience any funky odors, take a moment to call Arctic Air Conditioning at 732-455-9110 and find out if the smell is cause for alarm. Or keep reading to find out why your furnace has that odor.

Rotten Egg Smell

When operating normally, gas-fired furnaces produce a faint odor of burnt fuel. However, the distinct rotten egg smell of natural gas is a warning sign that your furnace is leaking. Exit your house immediately and call the fire department. Then, call Arctic Air Conditioning for further advice.

Oil Smell

If you have an oil-fired furnace, the oil filter can become clogged and produce a strong odor when the furnace runs. Damaged or bent oil filters are likely to clog up, and dirty oil can also clog a filter with sediment. Clean or replace your clogged oil filter to solve the problem.

Musty Smell

Dank, musty odors are characteristic of mold growth in the furnace’s condenser pump. To prevent this, make sure the pump is cleaned annually during routine maintenance. If the pump is clean and the musty smell lingers, it could be coming from another place, such as moldy ductwork insulation wrapped around unsealed ducts. Have a technician replace this insulation and seal your ductwork to remedy the problem.

Electrical Smell

All furnaces can develop an electrical odor, no matter what heating fuel they use, because electrical wiring powers motors and fans. When your furnace smells like a hot curling iron or burning metal, it could mean an electrical part is broken or malfunctioning. The best preventive measure is to change the filter as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent overheating. If furnace odor problems have already developed, you need to have a technician replace the burned-out parts.

Burning or Dusty Smells

Dust can settle in the combustion chamber, especially after the furnace has been dormant all summer. When the furnace starts up for the first time each fall, it burns away the dust, releasing a burning smell and a small amount of smoke. This is normal and nothing to worry about. To prevent a burning odor throughout the heating season, change the filter regularly.

Sewage Smell

If you are smelling a sewage smell, it could be a sign of a sewage back up. For plumbing assistance and sewage services near you, learn more about our plumbing services here at Arctic Air Conditioning.

Contact Arctic Air Conditioning for Furnace Repair & Replacement

Are any of those smells happening in your NJ home? It’s time to contact our technicians for furnace repairs and replacement services.

If you’re experiencing furnace odor problems, contact Arctic Air Conditioning for repair by calling 732-455-9110.

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