Selecting the Best Air Cleaner for Your Home
The indoor air quality in your home is one of the most important contributing factors to your family’s health and wellbeing. That’s why it’s so important to us at Arctic Air Conditioning!
In fact, poor indoor air quality can lead to a number of negative side effects, including:
- Increased respiratory illnesses
- Aggravated allergies
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin
- Sinus congestion
- And more
So, when it comes to your indoor air quality, you can’t cut any corners. Knowing how to choose the best air cleaner for your home and what you can do to improve the air quality are extremely important.
Our HVAC experts can help you select an effective whole-house air cleaner and teach you how to improve the quality of your indoor air. Contact us today for the best air cleaners in Monmouth, Middlesex, Mercer, and Ocean Counties, New Jersey!
Choosing the Best Air Cleaner
What do you look for when choosing the best air cleaner? Is it price? Efficiency? Low maintenance operation? At Arctic Air Conditioning, we have the answers you’re looking for.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind when picking the best air cleaner for your house:
Filter efficiency – One of the most important factors when you’re trying to pick the best air cleaner for your home is the filter efficiency—in layman’s terms, how many airborne particles can the air cleaner trap and prevent from circulating in your home.
Some whole-house air cleaners can remove as much as 99 percent of airborne pollen, mold, and spore-sized particles. At Arctic Air Conditioning, we can help you find the air cleaner that best suits your home’s needs.
Type of air cleaner – There are three main types of whole-house air cleaners and each works a little differently:
- Media air cleaners: These are the standard quality of air cleaners, and they can help provide relief from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses.
- Electronic air cleaners: These cleaners are designed to remove airborne particles and contaminates 0.3 microns and larger that are passing through your duct system. This is the next step up in whole-house air cleaners.
- HEPA air cleaners: These are the best air cleaners on the market when it comes to removing the highest level of particles. They are designed to remove atmospheric and household dust, coal dust, insecticide dust, mites, pollen, mold spores, fungi, bacteria, viruses, pet dander, cooking smoke and grease, tobacco smoke, and more.
Which air cleaner is the best for you will depend on your specific needs.
Noise level – The best air cleaners are not only effective, but quiet, too. Compare the noise levels of each whole-house air cleaner before installation.
Clean air delivery rate – The clean air delivery rate (CADR) is a measure of the total volume of air that an air cleaner can cleanse of a specific pollutant in one hour. The higher the CADR, the more efficient the air cleaner is.
Main concern – Finally, you need to consider what your main concern is when it comes to choosing the best air cleaner for your home.
Do you need to remove allergens or do you need a complete cleaning of as many airborne particles as possible? One of our experienced technicians can help you select the perfect whole-house air cleaner for your home.
Who to Call for the Best Indoor Air Cleaners in Central NJ
When you’re looking for the best air cleaners for your home in the New Jersey area, contact Arctic Air Conditioning. We can help you select the best option and install it efficiently and expertly.
Schedule your appointment today!