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Help! My AC Is Dripping Water

Your air conditioner removes heat from the air, but that’s not all—it also extracts excess humidity. The result is a cool, comfortable home.

Sometimes, moisture from the air causes condensation to form inside the AC, but if you turn on your unit for the season (or already have) and find that water is dripping out, something’s wrong. Here are five possible reasons for this issue and what you can do about it.

The Pump Is Broken

When working properly, excess moisture drains away without a problem. However, if the pump is broken, there’s no way for water passing into the condensate pan to pump down the drain.

To test if the pump is working, pour water into the condensate pan. If the water pools and doesn’t drain away, you have a problem. First, make sure the pump is receiving power. If power isn’t the issue, consult with an air conditioning contractor to pinpoint and fix the problem.

The Condensate Drain Is Blocked

A drain blocked by algae, fungus, mineral deposits, dirt, or other debris can’t drain properly. It’s best to leave the unclogging process to a professional to ensure it’s done properly and without causing additional damage.

After unclogging the condensate drain, the technician can apply a special algaecide treatment at your request. Since algae growth isn’t the only thing that can block the drain, you should still keep an eye out for future clogs.

The AC Was Installed Incorrectly

In order to drain condensate properly, air conditioners must be installed on a completely level surface. A slightly tilted installation could be the reason your air conditioner is dripping water. An experienced contractor should be able to level out the unit and stop the problem.

The Outdoor Temperature Is Too Cold

When the temperature drops outside but the AC continues to run, water draining around the outdoor unit may not evaporate quickly. Help prevent excessive water accumulation by opening the windows when it cools off outside.

The Internal Seals Leak

Warm outdoor air can make its way through loose seals. When this happens, water vapor condenses and pools around the outdoor unit. An HVAC contractor can reseal the unit and close it off from the outside air.

Now that you know the answer to the question, “Why is my air conditioner dripping water?” it may be time to schedule an AC repair visit from Arctic Air Conditioning! Contact us to schedule air conditioning repair today.

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